Your Car Just Broke Down: Now What Do You Do?

Even if you know your car has some issues, you never really anticipate breaking down. If it happens to you, the most important thing to remember is to not panic. Knowing the first steps to take should your vehicle stall out on the interstate, a country highway, or even a street in another neighborhood will help you stay safe, assess the problem, and obtain assistance if necessary. With a cool head and some basic understanding, you will soon be on your way to your destination in one piece.

5 Signs Of Impending Brake Failure

Most drivers take their brakes for granted until there's a problem, but they're one of the most important safety mechanisms on your vehicle. Letting brake issues go until there's a failure can be dangerous, and you shouldn't ignore the signs of brake malfunction. Below is a list of five signs that your car's brake system could use a boost. A spongy feeling in the brake pedal is a reliable indicator of hydraulic system issues.

How To Be Confident About Taking Your Car For An Oil Change

Every vehicle you own needs an oil change, but when you take yours in to the shop, you have to make some choices.  Knowing the right choice is difficult without a background in car repair, and nobody wants to be charged for unnecessary services.  With these tips in mind, you can be confident taking your car to your mechanic for that oil change! When To Get Your Oil Changed One of the first steps is figuring out how often to get your oil changed.

3 Reasons Owning A Porsche SUV Might Be Right For You

For many decades now, the Porsche has been one of the most sought after cars in the world. The company is known for producing cars with speed, handling, and luxury parts. Currently the company is expanding its porsche sales offerings to cater to those with expanding family and transportation needs.  For those who have loved owning a sports car in the past, the Cayenne is a popular, newer SUV option from Porsche that has many people excited about buying a custom luxury SUV.

3 Ways to Ensure That You Will Need a Mobile Truck Repair Service

If you drive a semi truck or other commercial vehicle with five or more axles, there are steps you will undoubtedly take to secure your vehicle before driving off with a heavy load. While following these safety steps should be second nature to any commercial truck driver, sometimes things can be overlooked. If you find that you are the type of truck driver that actually fits the following criteria, you might want to form a lasting friendship with your local roadside repair service.