Why Lamp And Brake Inspections Are Necessary

Two of the main overlooked components of your vehicle include its brakes and its lamps. This is why it's important to do a lamp inspection and a brake inspection on your vehicle periodically. Whether you are a long-haul driver or you just have a commuter vehicle you use to get you to and from work, here are reasons to make these inspections part of your regular vehicle maintenance needs.

You might have a lamp out or in need of alignment

If you have a lamp that is burned out or in need of alignment, you might not know until you have a lamp inspection done. For example, your head lamps might be aimed too low or too high, limiting your visibility and making you a potential road distraction to other drivers. Or, you might have a tail or brake lamp out, which can cause you to get a ticket if you are pulled over. You can avoid either of these issues by having your lamp inspection done when you have your vehicle serviced.

You might have brake pads or other components staring to wear out

Your brakes will not last forever, and your brake inspection will determine just how long you can expect them to last. Usually, brake pads on either side of your car will wear out similarly, so you can have them repaired or replaced at the same time during your brake inspection. You should have a brake inspection done whenever you have your car serviced or when you notice your car starting to make a strange squealing or grinding noise when you apply your brakes. You will also want an inspection done if your brakes acting slower than they usually do.

The cost to have your brakes repaired or your lamps replaced will vary based on time and labor. For example, to have a head lamp adjusted as part of your lamp inspection, you'll pay up to $50. If you have to have the head lamp replaced and adjusted, costs will be more. To have your brake pads replaced following a brake inspection, costs will be around $150 or more per axle treated. Your brake and lamp inspection specialist can give you a quote for services.

When you invest in having a lamp inspection or a brake inspection done, your vehicle can last a long time and make your car more reliable and safer to drive. Speak to your auto inspection specialist to learn more.  
