3 Reasons Your Car Won't Start

If you are trying to start your car, but can't seem to get it going, there could be a number of reasons why. Troubleshooting can be a long and expensive process, so it's best to rule out the most common starting issues first.

#1: The Car Battery

The most common reason for a car not starting is a dead battery. If the battery is out of juice, you will be able to tell immediately. When you insert your key into the vehicle's ignition, the interior lights should dim or turn off altogether. If they aren't working, the battery is most likely dead.

If the weather has drastically cooled in your area, your battery is more likely to die. Always keep a set of jumper cables in your trunk, and check the weather ahead of time to be prepared.

#2: Low Fluids

A lack of gas can cause your vehicle not to start. If you are sure you have a full tank, your oil levels could be low. Low oil causes the vehicle to lock up. Always keep spare oil in your trunk in case you forget your monthly fluid check-up.

Also, check your transmission fluid. It is extremely important that you have this fluid filled to the fill line, otherwise you could have to replace your transmission as well as the fluid in order to get your car to start.

Be sure to check all other fluid levels in case any are low. The gas and oil levels are the most common reasons for a vehicle not starting, but there is a possibility it could be one of the other fluids.

#3: Engine Area Failure

Failure in the engine area could be the culprit behind your car refusing to start. This area is made up of numerous components, which makes it difficult to assess without professional help. It is possible that one of the car's belts has worn and shredded in the engine area, which would stop your vehicle from starting.

Easy to fix issues are usually visible to the naked eye. Look around the engine area. See if anything looks out of place and start troubleshooting.

It is imperative to your safety to be sure you know what you are doing when attempting to troubleshoot and repair your car. If the problem isn't obvious or you are unsure of how to repair the suspected issue, your best bet is to get your vehicle to a qualified mechanic like AutoMedics
